Sunday, December 12, 2010

What's the Difference?

I was a little curious, so I looked up the way the Chinese run their government. I used the CIA World Factbook.
Here's what I found:
Chinese Communist Party or CCP [HU Jintao]; eight registered small parties controlled by CCP
And I thought to myself: "Isn't that funny?" There is a single party and below it there are eight others. Ha! That's almost exactly like our system, isn't it? Where the big businesses (i.e. Goldman & Sachs, Citi Group and JP Morgan) fund the Elections. These funds are nothing more than grants (do this and I'll give you this) and so these corporations infiltrate, just like the CCP, both sectors. And just like that, we draw away from the very principles of a Representative Democracy that our Founding Fathers so sincerely pressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Oh, socialism is bad, they say. It creates dictatorships, they say. But, what's the difference? Communism, which is slightly different and more pejorative, is actually, in practice, nothing more than a Capitalist system. There are dictators everywhere, but in a Democratic Socialist system, in which we would work as we do now, our bosses and policymakers are voted by us, the people.

Please, don't listen to brainwashed/money-hungry lunatics (especially those who think they are foreign policy heavyweights because of their geographic relevance to Russia) who demote Socialism as the thing of Stalin and Hitler. It is not. It has evolved to fit the Democratic system. It has changed and it's about time we do the same.  

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