Or so, my overly-exuberant European History teacher argued. He said that the United States supports its "comrade" Bahrain - so it keeps out of its business - but hates Qaddafi, so it attacks his Libya. I don't know if this is true or not - hell, nobody does - but one thing's true: we are bombing Libya and not even speaking a word, or atleast Obama is not, on the Bahrain question.
So I understand where my teacher's coming from when he says "the governments" are doing nothing - but has mass media turned its back on the issue? NO! No, it hasn't. But, assume in a hypothetical that it had - would I be writing this right now? No. So, journalists are taking a stand on this issue.
What does that say about "foreign" powers, the U.S. included? Are we hypocritical? Well, of course we are. Obama's coming into office hasn't changed that one bit. The man ran on the platform of a pacifist: making promises of a warless America, promising to get outta Iraq (which hasn't happened, yet) and upping Afghanistan in hopes that it, too, will see waning violence. The deception of an American politician is well-enveloped in him. But has he applied some of it onto the State? Of course.
And so my respect for the Nobel Peace Prize has slumped to an all time low. At first, I was pissed they didn't include Gandhi and MLK...now they're applauding some hypocrite?! Well, as attractive and tempting as this conclusion may seem, its slightly askew. As the committee saw it, they were applauding Obama's reprisal to limit war, despite popular opposition, something very few politicians are able to. Of course, that doesn't mean they would have given it to him at the moment...when he's GOING to war despite popular opinion, something countless leaders have done.
So, why Libya over Bahrain? Its not oil this time...so the appeal of "American interests" as nothing but using Capitalist bullshit as an excuse to war goes out the window. Are the Baharana are friends or foes...and what about the Libyans? So, a new conclusion has dawned in my mind. This is the reason for so many a dilemma. Hussein or Musharaff? We choose our enemies...that is our dictatorial enemies. Why else have we stood by Israel, yet never challenged, physically anyway, Iran? Iran, as much as we hate their guts, is NOT a dictatorship. Some might say its an oligarchy, others a Democracy, but whatever it may be, it is NOT a dictatorship. My teacher WAS right. We are fighting Libya because they are enemies...we are leaving Bahrain alone - even though they are shooting bird shot at "innocent" civilians - because they "are our friends." Like Napoleon, the American president never wants to lose his friends. We liked Pakistan. We liked Egypt. We liked them even though they killed their political opponents and their protesting people.
Why else is Saudi Arabia and Bahrain still run by monarchs, a more radical Dictator? Because they're our friends.
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