And its this sort of haze - capitalism's heaven, the ideal capitalist kingdom, the playground for compassionate capitalism - that resides in the Sillicon Valley that has spawned these sort of liberal capitalist-legends, the entrepreneurs that knew a thing or two about the world outside their Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stanford or Berkeley dorms. So its not a big surprise that Americans have given them the go-ahead. But, oh man, are they wrong.
In her special, Soledad O'Brien goes into great detail about a bunch of entrepreneurs, who made it in the Silicon Valley, that decide to give back to their community, or so it seems. I can't go into great detail, as to what the guys said and such as there has not been a transcript published and, quite honestly, I don't feel like rewinding this shit on my DVR, so as to hear it again. But, to give you the gist, he said something along the lines of...America is kind of in a economic slump right now and we need to try our best to get out of it, we must all work towards this goal. WE MUST ALL WORK TOWARDS THIS GOAL. This is sick. The way he promotes what would have been an otherwise greatly satisfying cause, he dirties it with an ignorance of utilitarian politics. Indeed, helping AFRICAN-AMERICANS OR BLACK AMERICANS enter the workforce would be great for the economy, but what kind of a sick bastard puts that on his poster, as a slogan? It is disturbingly reminiscent of the fertile Southern fields toiled over by hard black muscle. It is disgusting.
But, of course, he didn't mean it. That is is the scary part. These are the guys that America has chosen to somehow lead us to a better tomorrow. They come out with degrees in Computer Science and, out of the blue, because they are multi-billionaires, they think they are the leading scholars in political science and economics. What do they know about such topics? What gives them the right to delve into such topics? Unfortunately, I don't know...but I do know why they don't. Just ask that racist Soledad interviewed...he'll tell you.
What the world needs now, more than ever, are the educated. Those who spend their lives dedicated to the study of humanity. Many a youth would point to the Silicon Valley...hey, they aren't Conservative Republicans who hate poor people. Yeah, maybe they're not, but they are taking away from our political and economic future, not just of the United States, but of the world's. They have millions and billions of dollars in their pockets and make rash decisions that professors and Ph.D. students take years and lifetimes to simply theorize upon, not because the latter are slower or stupider than them, but because of the opposite. Their decisions carry the weight of centuries-worth of study. These Silicon Valley hoarders are not only - whether intentionally or not - keeping the money to themselves, but are also revoking a Society's right to free intellectualism as well. Why must they spend their money on such narrow scoped, if not greatly misjudged, projects furthering the Tech field and, thereby, sinking the Humanities further and further into the shithole its been in since like forever? Oh, and the arrogance! Why, then, do we go to school to learn political theory and normative philosophy if everything was self-explanatory? Who the hell do these people think they are? So what if you made that much money? If these people are the ones making our policy, then it is no surprise that centuries-worth of liberal democratic theory has evaporated. It would make much more sense to me, judging from this pretext, if they donated that money to think tanks, public universities and school districts, who are closing down, cutting off the Humanitarian cause from their campuses. But, then again, I'm just a ranting freshman political science major from a virutally unknown public school in the middle of New Jersey. What do I know?
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